Dos and Donts for Helping Your Addicted Spouse

The problems that led your loved one to their addiction likely still exist without their substance. This could be trauma, mental illness, or negative thinking patterns. It’s difficult to understand something we’ve never been through, but do your best to empathize with your partner’s addiction. This doesn’t mean that you condone it or allow it to continue.

how marriage changes after sobriety

If your wife, husband or partner’s drinking is impacting your marriage in any way, there is a problem. That is likely to mean that drinking and drug use will need to stop and the problems in the relationship will need to be identified and addressed.

AAPA Clinical Staff

Addicts usually have guilt and shame about their past behavior, while their mates harbor resentment, often for things about which the addict has no recollection. Just when the recovering addict needs forgiveness, the partner may view sobriety as an opportune time to bring up long held grievances. However, adding to the addict’s shame can undermine an unstable abstinence. When an A-List celebrity has the guts to talk about his alcohol misuse and how much better he feels now that he’s sober, it hits home for many of us.

UN expert calls for international fund to help recovery of climate change-affected States – OHCHR

UN expert calls for international fund to help recovery of climate change-affected States.

Posted: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Neither of us pretended to know the right way forward. Addiction is the third most-cited reason for divorce in the United States. Had I not gotten sober, we likely would’ve gone that way as well. Every day, I would wake up with a hangover, hit the snooze button marriage changes after sobriety for 30 or 40 minutes, dreaming of ways to get out of work. My commute was always the beginning of my stress. Sharing the highway with drivers from a bazillion different countries all over the world during rush hour will test even the most zen individuals.

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Rebuilding your identity will also be useful in the event that your loved one relapses. Your new identity and life paired with your firm boundaries can help you to not take their relapse personally and to act in your own best interest.

how marriage changes after sobriety

Your spouse’s drug and alcohol addiction is not your fault. However, their addiction will affect you and the other members of your family because addiction is duplicitous in every way imaginable. Your fear about change is a typical concern because you are correct in understanding that everything will change, including your relationship. Cessation from drugs and alcohol is a process, and your job is to encourage and support, not criticize or push them. Once they are sober, there will be ups and downs that your relationship will encounter, but you can manage them if you trust the process of recovery. I am always grateful when someone in the public eye comes clean about their substance use disorder. It helps to mitigate the stigma that still clings to folks who experience addiction.

Getting Your Marriage Back on Track After Sobriety

Once we’ve achieved sobriety, we also often experience a level of self-love we’ve never felt before. We’re proud of ourselves for finally doing the work to get sober. We have newfound respect for ourselves and confidence in our abilities. We don’t allow ourselves to be disrespected or our boundaries to be crossed. We demand that our needs be met and that we be heard, respected and treated well. The health of our relationships and our ability to be healthy partners can undergo radical shifts with sobriety.

  • Recovery will change your marriage just like active addiction changed your relationship.
  • But she didn’t share that answer because she didn’t understand it, either.
  • Responsible for maintaining one of the most unique properties in the nation, Leroy manages all aspects of Burning Tree’s two-thousand acre ranch.
  • This doesn’t mean that you condone it or allow it to continue.
  • You might also begin individual therapy or participate in family therapy.

It’s a new lease on life that can be an unexpected bonus of recovery. If you’re reading this, it’s likely because your spouse is struggling with addiction. While there may be some correlation between a successful marriage and sobriety, partners entering recovery can also learn to get healthy together. It’s tough when one spouse is sober, and the other is not. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the challenges you may face as well as some tips for navigating marriage after sobriety with aftercare planning.

How Addiction Harms Relationships

Those who are in a close relationship often feel that there is something lacking in it. As an industry professional 12 Keys has become one of my most trusted resources. Patient care and engagement are always top notch, and I know that I can always trust that the patient and their families will be in the best position to recover. Solid clinically, and more importantly these are good and genuinely caring people. I cannot recommend 12 Keys at the River enough for those struggling with addiction. Oftentimes, drug addicts are completely unaware of the devastation they are causing in the lives of those around them, especially within their own families.

So I jumped head first into something I had no clue about. Involving partners in treatment—at some point in the process—can be essential in helping treatment succeed. Not all couples will show these warning signs, but if one of them is present in your marriage or relationship, it may be time to consider ways to make the relationship better.